Improve the Visibility Of Your Assets With Our New Tracking Solutions
With more and more corporate competition popping up every day, it’s more important than ever that business owners protect and monitor their supply chain. One wrong move can cost a company time, which subsequently will cost them money, and tracking assets is one way to prevent that. EeLink Tech is a company who produces trackers meant solely for those business owners looking to improve the visibility of their assets. As products are passed between different people and checkpoints, it can give peace of mind to know exactly where they are and if they are in good condition.
The GPT49 4G LTE GPS tracker is one of EeLink Tech’s tracking solutions. The device has specialized tamper sensors which alerts you if the sensor is removed or messed with in any way. If you want daily updates from the tracker, the battery life will last five years. If you want hourly updates, the battery will last one year. So, either way, the battery won’t need to be replaced often, which is helpful when you need something reliable.
An important feature of the GPT49 device is that you can set a GEO-fence which notifies you if the sensor ever leaves the parameters of it. You customize exactly how the GPS tracker can work for you, and you will have a reliable tracking system. Also, the sensor is easy to hide, so it won’t be easily removed or tampered with by an outsider. With light-sensing technology, the GPT49 is accurately able to notify you in situations where your assets could be in danger.
Internet of Things
These types of GPS trackers relay their information through something called the Internet of Things (IoT in short). The IoT is extremely helpful because it’s connected to so much valuable data, but that can also be its downfall. Since it’s so well connected to surrounding technology, it makes these devices vulnerable to hacking. Paying close attention to updates from the device is important, so that you make sure important information about the location of assets has not been stolen and taken advantage of.
Keeping Yourself Safe
Since the Internet of Things makes us all vulnerable to the malicious intent of hackers, here are some tips to help keep you safe from cyber-attacks.
First, you should have passwords on all your networks, especially the ones which your phone is connected to and which you’ll be receiving updates from on the GPS device. If your wireless Internet network is open, you will be subjecting yourself to hacking which will be far easier for the hacker.
Secondly, if you have the means, create an entirely different guest network for all your devices which IoT runs through. Separating your more vulnerable technology from things like home laptops and TVs is an easy way to keep yourself and your data safer.
You should always remember to keep an eye on abnormal activity on your networks; make sure you know what’s going on and who has access to your systems at all times.
EeLink Tech
EeLink Tech is dedicated to the safety of your assets, and wishes to allow you and your company peace of mind. With all sorts of new technology being used for the destruction of companies, it’s vital that you protect yourself with your information. Keeping a close eye on your assets, and everything that happens to them during their journey through your supply chain, is the best way to assure that nothing goes awry. Since you are your own best advocate, it’s best to have information funneled directly to you via the IoT, so that you can make the best decisions for yourself and your company.